Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 69

This is Steve, Dennis' friend, posting for him.

His condition continues as it has, declining.
He is no longer able to focus well enough to read the emails and texts that he receives, or to answer the phone, so he has it turned off. His motor skills have declined in that he has problems holding objects, aside from the fact that he is unable to sit up without assistance. He is also having some difficulty communicating, his words are slurred, or spoken so softly that he has to try to repeat them to be understood.
He sleeps alot, and has lately taken to listening to music on his ipod as he drifts in and out.
He is still Dennis though, and from time to time tries to tell us how to do the things we do to care for him, as if we would forget, or get them wrong. But that's our Dennis!
If you feel that you need to get a message to him, you can email me at steve.ellington@hotmail.com, and I will relay it to him, but cannot guarantee a quick response.

On a bright note, the original prognosis was 2 weeks, and we are entering 10th week. Its been tough on Dennis, but he says it has been good that he is being able to say his farewells to everyone.

more details when they occur....

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