Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day 15

Have not been able to post in a few days. Sunday night, the pain got progressively worse and I had to go back the emergency room Monday morning. The docs got me stabilized and I spent a few days in the hospital. I got the results of the last few tests that had been run and they were very bad. The cancer is liver cancer and its very advanced. There are no real treatments for the stage of my cancer and the prognosis is very poor. I am also too weak to even try any of the trial medications. So, there does not look to be anything that can be done. I have been released from the hospital to go home. I have been given a very short time to live and my Doctor helped arrange home Hospice care for me through the Southern Care Hospice. They seem to be very nice folks and have assured me that they will do everything to make me as comfortable as possible.

I want to Thank all my friends, co-workers, the autocross community and especially my family for all their support.

I am going to ask that everyone please understand that I do not really want visitors. I am in very bad condition and am too weak to have visitors. If you would like to send me a personal note, just send it to and I will answer. Also, please don't call as I am not answering the phone. My father is monitoring the phone, but will not answer unless it is immediate family.

I will try to post, but may not be able. If anything warrants a post, my father or Steve will post here on my behalf.

Again, Thanks everyone, I care for all of you and will miss you.

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