Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 22

Not much to report, so so day, only able to eat when I take my meds. I have increased some of my fortified liquids so I hope I can keep up the calorie count and also get better hydrated.

Wanted to send along a special Thank You to the two autocross clubs that I race with. Both Equipe Rapide and SCCA Texas Region Solo and their members have given to help me cover my expenses. Both clubs gave rather significant amounts and the members of both clubs gave generously as well. The people are the reason I autocross as much as the driving or taking pictures and it is what kept bringing me back when it was miserably hot, or raining, or any number of other reasons. I also loved being on the edge of the course taking pics as the different cars roared by with their screeching tires. The challenge of getting a good picture while being so close to the race cars at their limits was priceless. Knowing people have enjoyed the pictures is also very gratifying and made all the hours worth it.

Guess that's it for today, just taking it hour by hour and day by day.

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