Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 9

Tried to post from the hospital from my iPhone, but it didn't work.

Anyway, its Friday and my Doctor let me go home as there was not much else that can be done for now. I am in pretty bad shape, but its good to be home. The Doc prescribed a bunch of high strength pain killers and anti nausea meds to make me more comfortable, but its still pretty bad if I try to move around too much. They also took some more blood just before I was released to run a specialized marker test to try to nail down the cancer type.

Let's see:

Went into the hospital on Wednesday. They ran a bunch more blood work, a chest and abdominal CT scans. The doctors said they are still unable to find the exact nature of the cancer. Though Dr. Le is certain that they have narrowed it down to liver cancer rather than from somewhere else. Both CT scans came up clean except that there is a lot of cancer in the liver. She is very sure its hepatocellular carcinoma. Not many effective treatments are available. I am in the process to see if there are any trials I may qualify for at the various hospitals/treatment centers around the country. A lot of the trials cover the cost of the medication, but not the doctors fees and hospital costs.

On a different note if you would like to make a donation to help the cause, you can email this email address: State your name so we can make sure its legit, you don't need to state the amount. A friend or I will send a reply with the account # to make the deposit to. I don't want to post the acct. # online to be at least a little more secure. Just stop by any Bank of America with my name and the acct. # and they will take the deposit.

That's it for now, I am going to try to just relax this weekend. I will try to post if anything else comes up. If you would like to drop me a note, just email me using the above address.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,
    Just wanted you to know we are all missing and thinking about you.
    If there is something we can do to help you in anyway, Please let me know. Stay STRONG! Juli
