Monday, October 26, 2009

Day 19

Not much to report. Saturday and Sunday were pretty bad days, but I managed to get by and am feeling just good enough to post this morning.

Saw that the SCCA had their Solo out at Mineral Wells, wish I coulda been there. Rough surface, but fun open tracks.

Wanted to say a special thanks to 2 people that have been there everyday to take care of me, my father Derrill and my best friend Steve. They have gone above and beyond to make sure I am as comfortable as possible and also make sure I eat, drink fluids, take my meds, etc. Thanks to you both. Love ya Poppo and Steve you are the best friend anyone could have.

The Hospice folks have also been great, they have taken care of what I need, from equipment to meds. They are there whenever I have some trouble or just need to ask a question about something.

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