Thursday, December 24, 2009

Day 78

This is Steve, Dennis' friend, posting:

Plano resident Dennis Rothermich, 43, passed away at his home at 12:45 AM on December 24, 2009.

He was born in Suwon, South Korea January 29, 1966 and arrived in the United States in 1970. He grew up in El Paso, TX where he graduated from Parkland High School and University of Texas at El Paso with a degree in Clinical Laboratories Science.
He has been a resident of the Dallas area for 13 years. During that time he worked for Stream International and Spherion as an Information Technological Specialist at Sony Pictures Releasing in Richardson, TX. In addition he owned his own Computer Services business.
Dennis was an avid autocross racer with the Sports Car Club of America and Equipe Rapide. His website showed his dedication to autocross racing and his love of photography. He also provided photography service to several area non-profit groups such as Variety Club of Texas and Women of Motion Picture Industry.
He was preceded in death by his mother Hae Cha Rothermich. He is survived by his Step-Father Derrill Rothermich and will be missed by many friends and other family members. In lieu of floral tributes, donations to Bikes for Kids program of Variety Club or American Cancer Society in his name would be greatly appreciated.
He will be greatly missed.

Services for Dennis Rothermich

will be held Saturday January 2, 2009 at 4:00 PM

at the North Dallas Funeral Home

2710 Valley View Lane, Dallas, TX 75243


North Dallas Funeral Home driving directions and information

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day 78

This is Steve, Dennis' friend, posting:

Dennis Rothermich passed away at 12:45 am today. More details will be forthcoming.
Thank you all.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 69

This is Steve, Dennis' friend, posting for him.

His condition continues as it has, declining.
He is no longer able to focus well enough to read the emails and texts that he receives, or to answer the phone, so he has it turned off. His motor skills have declined in that he has problems holding objects, aside from the fact that he is unable to sit up without assistance. He is also having some difficulty communicating, his words are slurred, or spoken so softly that he has to try to repeat them to be understood.
He sleeps alot, and has lately taken to listening to music on his ipod as he drifts in and out.
He is still Dennis though, and from time to time tries to tell us how to do the things we do to care for him, as if we would forget, or get them wrong. But that's our Dennis!
If you feel that you need to get a message to him, you can email me at, and I will relay it to him, but cannot guarantee a quick response.

On a bright note, the original prognosis was 2 weeks, and we are entering 10th week. Its been tough on Dennis, but he says it has been good that he is being able to say his farewells to everyone.

more details when they occur....

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Day 60

This is Steve, Dennis' friend, posting for him.

His condition is declining, as his meds are getting stronger. He is sleeping alot more.
More information will be posted as it becomes available.
Thank you all again for your support.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day 50

This is Steve, Dennis' friend, posting for him.

Dennis wants to say thanks to the North Texas S2000 Owners Club and members for their generosity. They gave a substantial donation from their last event. Once again he is grateful for the awesome support from the autocross community.

He also wants to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, he is thankful for the support from his friends and family and all others that have touched his life. Thank you all.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day 45

This is Steve, Dennis' friend, posting for him.

He's still hanging on, though there have been some rough days. He wants to say 'Hey' to everyone and let them know that he's still fightin'.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day 38

Had a few really bad days and the pain got overwhelming earlier today. The nurse came over and consulted with the Doc and they have drastically increased the dosages of some of my meds, plus they are going to try a different more powerful drug for the main pain control. The nurse was able to get things under control. This is why I am able to do the post today.

That's it for now, just wanted to say Hello to everyone and give a quick update.

Take care and I will try to post again soon.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 35

This is Steve, Dennis' friend, posting for him.

Just want to say that he's hanging in there, it's been a tough week or so. He wanted me to post a 'Hello to everyone' and thank them for thinking about him.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 26

Haven't been able to post for a few days. Its been pretty bad. Finally felt good enough to take a few minutes to post an entry.

Not much to say. I guess I just wanted to say hello to everyone.

Will try to post again soon. Take care everyone.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 22

Not much to report, so so day, only able to eat when I take my meds. I have increased some of my fortified liquids so I hope I can keep up the calorie count and also get better hydrated.

Wanted to send along a special Thank You to the two autocross clubs that I race with. Both Equipe Rapide and SCCA Texas Region Solo and their members have given to help me cover my expenses. Both clubs gave rather significant amounts and the members of both clubs gave generously as well. The people are the reason I autocross as much as the driving or taking pictures and it is what kept bringing me back when it was miserably hot, or raining, or any number of other reasons. I also loved being on the edge of the course taking pics as the different cars roared by with their screeching tires. The challenge of getting a good picture while being so close to the race cars at their limits was priceless. Knowing people have enjoyed the pictures is also very gratifying and made all the hours worth it.

Guess that's it for today, just taking it hour by hour and day by day.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 20

Feeling a little better today. I was able to eat some food yesterday and a little today, so I guess I got a bit of an energy boost.

I wanted to also give a special thanks to a few folks, they are close friends and family members that mean the world to me. I love you guys, Jean and Bill, Diane, Susan and Danny and Craig, Shauna and Drew and the boys, Shermaine and Jordin and JP, Darla and Fred, Jana and David and last but not least Andy. There are many, many others I would like to mention, but I would be typing for a while.

I also want to take a moment to Thank Juli, she has given me the greatest peace I could ask for as I move on to the next step in life. Thank you ma'am, you have my eternal gratitude.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Day 19

Not much to report. Saturday and Sunday were pretty bad days, but I managed to get by and am feeling just good enough to post this morning.

Saw that the SCCA had their Solo out at Mineral Wells, wish I coulda been there. Rough surface, but fun open tracks.

Wanted to say a special thanks to 2 people that have been there everyday to take care of me, my father Derrill and my best friend Steve. They have gone above and beyond to make sure I am as comfortable as possible and also make sure I eat, drink fluids, take my meds, etc. Thanks to you both. Love ya Poppo and Steve you are the best friend anyone could have.

The Hospice folks have also been great, they have taken care of what I need, from equipment to meds. They are there whenever I have some trouble or just need to ask a question about something.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Day 16

Finally felt good enough to post this evening. It was a bad night last night and a pretty lousy day.

I have been trying to answer all the notes I have received, but just can't seem to get to all of them, I hope you understand. I really just wanted to get on to post that I want to thank everyone for their wonderful words of encouragement and affection.

Thank you to everyone for everything you have done to help me through this trying time, I will miss all of you.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day 15

Have not been able to post in a few days. Sunday night, the pain got progressively worse and I had to go back the emergency room Monday morning. The docs got me stabilized and I spent a few days in the hospital. I got the results of the last few tests that had been run and they were very bad. The cancer is liver cancer and its very advanced. There are no real treatments for the stage of my cancer and the prognosis is very poor. I am also too weak to even try any of the trial medications. So, there does not look to be anything that can be done. I have been released from the hospital to go home. I have been given a very short time to live and my Doctor helped arrange home Hospice care for me through the Southern Care Hospice. They seem to be very nice folks and have assured me that they will do everything to make me as comfortable as possible.

I want to Thank all my friends, co-workers, the autocross community and especially my family for all their support.

I am going to ask that everyone please understand that I do not really want visitors. I am in very bad condition and am too weak to have visitors. If you would like to send me a personal note, just send it to and I will answer. Also, please don't call as I am not answering the phone. My father is monitoring the phone, but will not answer unless it is immediate family.

I will try to post, but may not be able. If anything warrants a post, my father or Steve will post here on my behalf.

Again, Thanks everyone, I care for all of you and will miss you.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day 11

Its Sunday, not much to report. Yesterday was a really bad day, I was down all day and hardly moved out of my chair. Only got a few hours sleep, but I am going to try to nap a little today.

Today is a bit better, but not much. I guess that's it for today, just don't have it in me to post more.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 9

Tried to post from the hospital from my iPhone, but it didn't work.

Anyway, its Friday and my Doctor let me go home as there was not much else that can be done for now. I am in pretty bad shape, but its good to be home. The Doc prescribed a bunch of high strength pain killers and anti nausea meds to make me more comfortable, but its still pretty bad if I try to move around too much. They also took some more blood just before I was released to run a specialized marker test to try to nail down the cancer type.

Let's see:

Went into the hospital on Wednesday. They ran a bunch more blood work, a chest and abdominal CT scans. The doctors said they are still unable to find the exact nature of the cancer. Though Dr. Le is certain that they have narrowed it down to liver cancer rather than from somewhere else. Both CT scans came up clean except that there is a lot of cancer in the liver. She is very sure its hepatocellular carcinoma. Not many effective treatments are available. I am in the process to see if there are any trials I may qualify for at the various hospitals/treatment centers around the country. A lot of the trials cover the cost of the medication, but not the doctors fees and hospital costs.

On a different note if you would like to make a donation to help the cause, you can email this email address: State your name so we can make sure its legit, you don't need to state the amount. A friend or I will send a reply with the account # to make the deposit to. I don't want to post the acct. # online to be at least a little more secure. Just stop by any Bank of America with my name and the acct. # and they will take the deposit.

That's it for now, I am going to try to just relax this weekend. I will try to post if anything else comes up. If you would like to drop me a note, just email me using the above address.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 6

Went to the Doc yesterday. Nothing conclusive yet. Will probably go in on Wednesday for some more tests. The effort of going to the Doc wiped me out and I was down the rest of the day. I tried to get to the PC to post, but it hurt too much.

Not much else to report. I'll try to post later today or tomorrow.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 4

Well, missed a day yesterday. Felt miserable and when I tried to eat, got even sicker and was pretty much down all day. Got a few hours sleep and am a bit better today. I have managed to eat a few servings of cream of wheat, but nothing else.

I got a great "get well" video sent to me by all the autocross folks at the ER event today, brought a smile to my face, thanks guys and gals, its means a lot! I was also told that all the winners of PAX money had donated it to help me out with bills, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You guys really are the best!

I was asked to set up a way to get donations to me, so I opened an account at Bank of America. If you would like to help, I will post a way tomorrow to do so by just stopping by any Bank of America and make a deposit to this account.

I was also asked to give more details of the illness. Well, trouble started in late August with some pain on my lower right abdomen. It got progressively worse and spread to most of the right side. I fought it for a few weeks, but I was able to eat less and less. I finally realized that something serious was probably going on. Finally ended up getting so sick that I went to Baylor Plano Emergency Room on Sept. 21st (I would have gone to a regular doctor sooner, but no health insurance). They ran tests and said my liver looked OK on the x-rays and sonograms, but the gall bladder had several stones and was probably causing the problems. By this time I was down to only being able to tolerate liquids (without any fat of any kind in it). I went to the surgeon the next Tuesday, found out the costs of the surgery and set about gathering the funds. Within 2 days time, the Will Rogers Motion Picture Pioneers Assistance Fund looked over my case and decided to help. I scheduled the surgery for the following Tuesday, Oct. 6th. By the time I went in for surgery, I had lost 22 pounds in just over 30 days and I was already thin. I've been off from work since and looks like it will be a while before I go back. Unfortunantly, being a contractor, I have no short term disability, so no work, no paycheck.

Well, that's it for today, it hurts to sit for more than a few minutes at computer.

Dennis R.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Day 2

Well, pretty bad day today. I think the adrenaline and probably shock of the bad news kinda kept me going yesterday. But I am paying for it today as I feel miserable. My abdominal area is still very painful and stiff from the surgery. But I did eat a small bowl of cereal with non fat milk and a piece of toast.

I was asked to provide more details such as my Doctor's names, hospital info, etc.

Dr. Dean Cione was my Surgeon for my Gall Bladder removal. He found the cancer in my liver. He is a great guy and great Dr. He is also helping with getting me started on a more definitive diagnosis of my cancer and then treatment. He also referred me to the Doctor mentioned below.

I have a new patient appointment on Monday with an Oncologist, Dr Thuy Lee. She is at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Plano where I hope to get treatment. I am applying for financial assistance at Plano Presby to get the testing started and also treatment.

On a different subject, I would to thank all my friends and co-workers for their incredible support, well wishes and prayers! It means to world to me to know that I have that kind of support when I need it.

Well, that's it for now, I am just too tired to write more.

Dennis R.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 1, the call from the Doc

10-08-09 Ist day for the blog... I will add updates to my condition on this blog.

A friend suggested I start this to help me keep my sanity and for everyone that I know to get updates on my condition.

.....The doc calls

During surgery to remove my gall bladder on 10-06-09, the surgeon noticed that my liver was very abnormal, so he took a biopsy. Tests revealed that I have cancer in my liver. Adenocarcinoma. OK, cancer, that's bad, Carcinoma, OK, very bad. The cancer does not usually originate in the liver, so it most likely came from another part of the body. OK, that's even worse, it has moved to the liver from somewhere else.

Though I am employed, I am one of many working people that do not have health care insurance. I had help with the Gall Bladder surgery from the Will Rogers Motion Picture Pioneers Assistance Fund. Through their incredible generosity, I was able to get the surgery I needed. Unfortunantly, with the current state of the economy, they are only able to help with the gall bladder issue. They are helping me with finding other sources of help.

I am seeking other avenues for help so that I can begin getting tests to help diagnose the exact origin of the cancer and if possible, treat it.

That's it for now.......

Please wish me luck and please keep me in your prayers.

Dennis R.